LitLin@: Transdisciplinary approaches and digital tools in German, Spanish, French, Galician and English.
LitLin is a research group from the University of Santiago de Compostela in which specialists from different humanistic areas are integrated with the aim of offering a transversal approach to the study of European culture(s) and the analysis of its multilingual space. The literary and linguistic content on which our research is carried out falls within the field of modern languages, specifically German, Spanish, French, Galician and English. Our lines of research include corpus linguistics, modern language teaching, translation, gender studies and cultural memory for transfer purposes for teaching and research.
A poesía romanesa de Claudio Rodríguez Fer traducida ao portugués no Brasil por Saturnino Valladares
Claudio Rodríguer Fer, Cunqueiriano de Honra este 2024
La traducción es la lengua oficial de Europa. Entrevista a Rosa Marta Gómez Pato
Nueva edición de Quaderns lingüístics, 2024 Carmen Mellado
Revista Evohé. Monográfico dedicado a Carmen Blanco García.